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Fair Pricing PolicyUpdated 6 months ago

The amount of money required to complete the purchase of a listing is the Price.

Vendors are responsible for setting their Prices on Amplife®.

We regularly monitor the Prices of listings on Amplife®, including shipping costs, and compare them with other Prices available to our customers. If we notice pricing practices on a listing that harm customer trust, we can remove the listing, or, in serious or repeated cases, suspend and/or terminate your Amplife® account.

Pricing practices that harm customer trust include, but are not limited to:

  • Setting a reference Price on a listing that misleads customers;

  • Setting a Price on a listing that is significantly higher than recent Prices offered on or off Amplife®;

  • Selling multiple units of a listing for more per unit than that of a single unit of the same listing; and

  • Setting an excessive shipping fee. Amplife® considers current public carrier rates, reasonable handling charges, as well as buyer perception when determining whether a shipping Price violates our Fair Pricing Policy.

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