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Program Policies

To sell with Amplife®, you’ll need to adhere to the applicable terms in our agreements & guidelines.

Amplife® Vendor Participation Agreement

The terms and conditions that govern all vendors.

Sell with Amplife® Service Terms

The terms and conditions that govern the use of the Sell with Amplife® Service.

Code of Conduct

The conduct expected of all vendors.

Restricted Listings Policy

Because Amplife® is a curated disabled-only marketplace, we inherently restrict all listings until we determine that they meet our criteria of serving the disabled community.

Supply Chain Standards

All listings on Amplife® must be manufactured, produced, and conducted by the highest standards of labor, human rights, environmental, and ethical conduct.

Anti-Counterfeiting Policy

All listings on Amplife® must be authentic.

Fair Pricing Policy

All vendors must use pricing practices that do not harm customer trust.

Intellectual Property Policy

How intellectual property (IP) is used on Amplife®, including trademarks, copyrights, and patents, to protect the rights of IP owners.

Customer Reviews Policy

How vendors can interact with reviews to protect the authenticity of customer reviews.

Listing Guidelines

The requirements of all listings to be approved.

Trademark Guidelines

How vendors can use the "Available at Amplife®” badge and Amplife® trademarks.

Tax Policy

All vendors are responsible for their tax calculation, remittance, reporting and obligations, unless Amplife® is required to.

Funds Withholding Policy

To protect our customers and vendors, we may withhold any funds that may be in your account if you violate any Program Policies.

International Vendor Policy

The requirements of vendors selling to countries outside of their business location.