Listing GuidelinesUpdated 4 months ago
For your listing to be approved and discovered by customers, it must adhere to our Listing Guidelines:
All details of a listing, such as Media, Title, and Description, and any details of a page or collection page are the Content. Requirements apply to all listings and brand experiences on Amplife®:
Content requirements
- You cannot add Content that infringes upon the Intellectual Property (IP) rights of other vendors, parties or individuals. For more information, check out the Intellectual Property Policy.
- Comply with any relevant style guides and refrain from using HTML, JavaScript, or other code in your listing detail pages, unless approved by Amplife®.
- Accurately categorize and describe your listings, collection pages, and pages.
- You must not use false listing identification information.
- None of the following are allowed:
- Pornographic, obscene, or offensive material.
- Phone numbers, addresses, email addresses, or website URLs, unless you are on an active Showcase Selling Plan.
- None of the following are allowed in listing detail page titles, Descriptions, Overview Descriptions, Specifications, or Media:
- Details of availability, Price, or condition.
- Plot spoilers.
- Reviews, quotes, or testimonials.
- Requests for positive customer reviews.
- Time-sensitive information, such as dates of tours, seminars, or lectures, unless the listing is an event.
The name for your listing is the Title. Requirements apply to all listings on Amplife®:
Title requirements
Must contain listing-identifying information, such as "Wheelchair Wheels" or "Hoodie".
Must be in title case, unless your brand is all lowercase or all uppercase.
Must have a maximum of 90 characters, including spaces. This ensures that your listing performs well for search engine optimization (SEO) which has a maximum of 70 characters.
Must not contain promotional phrases, such as "free shipping" or "100% quality guaranteed".
Must not contain characters for decoration, such as ~ ! * $ ? _ ~ { } # < > | * ; ^ ¬ ¦ or non-language ASCII characters such as Æ, ©, or ®.
Must not use subjective commentary, such as "Hot Item" or "Best Seller".
Failure to comply with these requirements may cause a listing to not be approved until all are met.
Title tips
Good Title quality is a key factor in ensuring a positive customer experience on Amplife®:
Titles should be concise. We recommend fewer than 70 characters.
Don't use ALL UPPERCASE, unless your brand is all uppercase.
Capitalize the first letter of each word except for prepositions (in, on, over, with), conjunctions (and, or, for), or articles (the, a, an).
Use numerals: "2" instead of "two".
Titles should contain the minimal information needed to identify the item and nothing more.
Titles can include necessary punctuation, like hyphens (-), forward slashes (/), commas (,), ampersands (&), and periods (.).
Titles should abbreviate measurements, such as "cm", "oz", "in", and "kg".
Don't include your brand in Titles, unless it's included in the name of the listing.
Size and color variations should be included in Titles for listing Variations, not the main Title.
Title FAQ
What if my brand name contains a prohibited character, such as !, ©, ™, or ®?
These characters may appear in your brand’s name which is placed in the byline that appears on every listing detail page and in search results, and they may appear in the Description & Overview Description.Does Amplife® automatically put a brand name at the start of my Title, or do I need to do that myself?
Yes, we recommend that you begin a Title with the listing’s brand name or sub-brand name. Amplife® does not automatically put a brand name at the start of your Title.What if my listing doesn’t have a brand name?
Your vendor name will be your brand name.How do I know if my listings have been rejected?
Go to the Listings page on the Vendor Portal and click Pending to check your rejected listings.
Sets of listings that are related to one another are Variations. Good variation relationship listings allow buyers to compare and choose listings based on different attributes such as size, color, or other characteristics from the available options on a single listing detail page. Each variation has its own inventory information with its own price.
Parent-child relationship
The Parent-child relationship describes how Variations interact.
There are 3 elements of a parent-child relationship:
The parent listing: The listing displayed in the search results
The child listings: The listings that are related to each parent listing
The variation theme: The relationship between the parent and the child
Parent listing
The parent listing is a non-buyable listing used to relate child listings.
Child listings
The child listing is an instance of the parent listing such as variation by size or color.
Parent-child relationship Titles
Example parent: Amplife Death Cheater T-Shirt
Example child: Amplife Death Cheater T-Shirt, Color: Black & Red, Size: XL
The following prohibited practices are misuses of variations, either of the parent listing or in parent-child relationships. These practices create a negative customer experience and can result in suspension and/or termination of your Amplife® account. Requirements apply to all listings on Amplife®:
Variation requirements
- Must not change the listing’s detail page (parent or child) to become fundamentally different from the original listing.
- Must not change the parent listing's detail page so it does not match the children listings.
- Must not add incorrect child variations that are not true variations of the parent listing. This includes but is not limited to:
- Adding listings that are fundamentally different from the parent listing.
- Adding listing Media and/or names that are that are fundamentally different from the parent listing.
- Adding listings that are newer versions or models of the parent listing.
- Must not place different listings together:
- A power wheelchair battery charger and a power wheelchair battery, while related, are not the same listing and should not be listed on the same detail page.
- Must not use variation themes incorrectly, they should only be used for their defined purpose.
- A color and size variation theme must not include any information other than color and size respectively, such as different wheelchair models should not be listed within a color theme.
All images, videos, gifs, and 3D models that provide a visual demonstration of your listing are Media. The main image that appears first on your listing detail page and the one shown to customers throughout Amplife® is the First Image. It appears in other areas such as Google’s search results. Requirements apply to all listings on Amplife®:
Media requirements
Must accurately represent the listing as a realistic, professional-quality Media and not be a placeholder.
Must match the listing.
Must have alt text added when uploaded to your listing.
Must not include any Amplife® logos, trademarks, variations, modifications or anything confusingly similar to Amplife® logos and trademarks.
Must not include customer reviews, five-star imagery, claims (“free shipping”), or vendor-specific information.
Must not include promotional text or pricing details.
First Image requirements
Must have a pure white background—Hex value of #FFFFFF / RGB color values of 255, 255, 255, unless not applicable such as service listings, event listings, or covers for intangible products (any negative space must be pure white). Pure white blends in with the Amplife® website and listing detail pages.
Must have the listing covering at least 75% of the Media area.
Must not show excluded accessories or props that might confuse the customer.
Must not include text, logos, borders, color blocks, watermarks, or other graphics over the top of a listing or in the background.
Must display the relative size of a listing if it contains multiple pieces, with no one piece enlarged.
Must not include multiple views of a single listing. Only show the listing once in the First Image, for example, the front, and not both the front and the back.
Must show the entire listing that is for sale. First Images must not touch or be cut off by the edge of the Media frame.
Must show listings outside of their packaging. Boxes, bags, or cases should not appear in the First Image unless they are an important listing feature.
Must show only one unit of the listing and any accessories that are included in the purchase, except for multi-packs or assortments.
Must use Media that is flat (off-model) for multi-pack items.
Must not show any part of a mannequin, regardless of the mannequin’s appearance (clear, solid-color, flesh-toned, framework or hanger) for Apparel Media.
Technical requirements
Media must not exceed 5,000px on the longest side or 20 megapixels.
Media file types must be .png, .jpeg, .gif, .webp, .heic, .svg, .mp4, .mov, .webm, .glb, .usdz. The best file type for most Media is .png, followed by .jpeg.
Media must not be blurry, pixelated, or have jagged edges.
Failure to comply with these requirements may cause a listing to not be approved until all are met.
When you upload your Media files, they are checked to confirm that they meet all requirements. Media failing to meet these requirements will not be uploaded to your listings. If your Media violates the Program Policies, the listing will be removed until compliant Media is provided.
Media tips
The Amplife® website sets the First Image and variant Media displayed on collection pages to a ratio of 4:5, except for the listing detail page which is displayed with a natural ratio (if your Media is landscape, it will be cropped to a 4:5 ratio on all pages except for the listing detail page where it will display in the natural landscape ratio).
Upload your First Image with the listing fitting just below the top and bottom edges of a 1:1 ratio with white above and below to have a 4:5 ratio. Your First Image will fully display without being cropped on other areas of
Upload the highest quality version of the Media that is less than 5,000px on the longest side or 20 megapixels. Our content delivery network determines which Media formats are supported by the customer's web client, and then automatically displays the Media in the best format available.
Ensure your listings are relatively the same height and centered in the Media when next to each other on a grid. If your listing is shown at an angle, keep that angle and direction as consistent as possible throughout your catalog.
Rejection reason
All rejections require resubmittal of the Media:
Text, logo, graphics, or watermarks
First Images cannot have additional graphics composited into them. This includes badging such as "stamps of approval," logos, text explaining listing features or quantity, shipping options, copyright notices, email addresses, or watermarks of any kind.
Additional listing Media or extra features may not be pasted into a listing’s First Image; they may be featured as other Media. Claims about the listing such as warranties, regulatory approval, or promotions are not allowed in any listing Media.
Non-white background
First Images must be displayed against a pure white background (#FFFFFF / RGB 255 255 255) so that the outline of the First Image is not visible when displayed throughout Amplife® such as on search results and listing detail pages.
Shadows that run to the edge of the First Image frame or that the listing or human models cast against a backdrop are not allowed. When using a First Image that was edited to remove background elements, any background areas that remain, off-white or gray backdrops, artifacts, objects, or outlines that are added around the border of the First Image, are not allowed.
Alternate Media may have a neutral or environment-based background.
Listings that are not tangible products (services, events, covers for intangible products) can have non-white background First Images (any negative space must be pure white) but we encourage pure white backgrounds when possible.
Cropped listing
First Images must show the entire listing that is for sale. First Images where the listing touches or is cut off by the edge of the frame are not allowed.
Close-up views may be added as additional Media.
Not outside of packaging
No elements of a listing’s packaging, including boxes, bags, tags or cases can appear in the First Image. Listings must be removed from their packaging in the First Image.
The packaging and listing inside the packaging may be added as additional Media
Additional elements that are not part of the listing being sold must not be added to First Images, such as a wheelchair attachment cannot be attached to a wheelchair.
Media with propping may be added as additional Media.
Blurry or pixelated
Media that is blurry or pixelated is not allowed. Media must be in focus and clearly show listing's detail and texture.
Listing too small
All Media must properly frame the listing without excessive whitespace. The listing must occupy at least 75% of the Media area, making use of as much of the area as possible without cropping the listing or letting shadows run to the edge of the First Image.
Media depicting genitals, nipples, gluteal cleft, pubic hair, or garments that clearly outline the private areas of the model, including behind sheer fabric, are not allowed.
Suggestive poses, expressions, or overt or implied sexual contact, whether between two models or between a model and a listing, are not allowed. Decals concealing areas of a model’s body as well as elements added to the Media to cover a model are not allowed.
Multiple listing views
First Images showing multiple instances of the same listing, whether showing different sides of a garment or close-up and full views, are not allowed.
Upload Media that shows different views and demonstrate features as additional Media.
Human model
First Images showing listings on a human model, even if the model is obscured by lighting, or other garments, are not allowed, except for Apparel listings. Multi-pack apparel items must not be on-model.
Media may not show any part of a mannequin or hanger, regardless of the mannequin's appearance (clear, solid-color, flesh-toned, or framework).
Media where the listing is flat or with an invisible mannequin treatment is acceptable as long as the entire listing remains visible without being cropped or obscured.
Improper name
All Media’s file names must have the name of the listing associated with the Media. This improves accessibility and search engine optimization (SEO). Generic Media file names are not allowed.
If the Media’s file name does not match the associated listing, the Media will be rejected.
Unsupported file
We will reject Media with an unsupported or unrecognizable file extension or file type.
The best file type for most Media is .png, followed by .jpeg. Other accepted file types are .gif, .webp, .heic, .svg, .mp4, .mov, .webm, .glb, .usdz.
Verify that your file is in one of the accepted formats by right-clicking the Media file and selecting Properties. If it is not in an accepted format, open the file in a Media editing program and Save As the correct format or obtain a file in the correct format.
Unexpected format
Media will fail to upload if the file is incomplete, corrupted, in the wrong format, or too large (maximum of 5,000px on the longest side or 20 megapixels).
Media should be in sRGB color space instead of CMYK to display the proper color spectrum.
If you cannot view the Media file, it may be corrupt. Try to re-save it as a desired file type using a Media editing program.
Small dimensions
Media will be rejected if the file is too small (minimum of 500px on the longest side) or is upscaled causing blurriness/pixelation.
To verify Media size, right-click the Media file and click Properties.
The optimal zoom experience for listing detail pages is Media files that are at least 1600px or larger on the longest side.
The amount of money required to complete the purchase of a listing is the Price. The discounted Price from the original Price is the Compare Price. Requirements apply to all listings on Amplife®. All pricing must adhere to the Fair Pricing Policy:
Price requirements (Fair Pricing Policy)
Vendors are responsible for setting their Prices on Amplife®.
We regularly monitor the Prices of listings on Amplife®, including shipping costs, and compare them with other Prices available to our customers. If we notice pricing practices on a listing that harm customer trust, we can remove the listing, or, in serious or repeated cases, suspend and/or terminate your Amplife® account.
Pricing practices that harm customer trust include, but are not limited to:
Setting a Compare Price on a listing that misleads customers;
Setting a Price on a listing that is significantly higher than recent Prices offered on or off Amplife®;
Selling multiple units of a listing for more per unit than that of a single unit of the same listing; and
Setting an excessive shipping fee. Amplife® considers current public carrier rates, reasonable handling charges, as well as buyer perception when determining whether a shipping Price violates our Fair Pricing Policy.
The concise summary of your listing is the Description. Requirements apply to all listings on Amplife®:
Description requirements
- Highlight the key features that you want customers to consider.
- The listing's benefits
- How it helps a specific disability
- Age appropriateness
- Write concise sentences and, if you are using bullet points include periods at the end of each one.
- Write all numbers as numerals, such as 5 seconds.
- Abbreviate measurements when necessary, such as in or lbs.
- When referencing metric or imperial units, include the other system of units, such as 12 MPH / 19 KPH.
- Must not write vague statements; be as specific as possible with listing features and attributes.
- Must not enter company-specific information; this section is for listing features only.
- Must not include promotional and pricing information.
- Must not include shipping information.
Overview Description
The detailed explanation of your listing is the Overview Description. Requirements apply to all listings on Amplife®:
Overview Description requirements
- Describe the major listing features, such as engineering, technology, performance, comfort, and who & what the listing can be used for.
- Write thorough and complete paragraphs.
- Use correct grammar, punctuation, and complete sentences.
- Do not use this section if there is not enough unique information to be placed in both the description and overview description.
Listing Type
Who is serving the disabled community and how the listing serves the disabled community is the Listing Type. Requirements apply to all listings on Amplife®:
Listing Type requirements
- Must be disabled-owned, disabled-designed, or disabled-solutions.
- The selected type(s) must represent your listing.
Disabled-Owned requirements
- Founded, owned, operated or controlled by people with disabilities.
- A founder starts their own company, comes up with a business idea, and acts on it.
- An owner organizes and operates a business, and is a financial stakeholder in the business, usually with a majority equity position, taking on greater than normal financial risks to do so.
- An operator is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the business and has a stake in the business. They are focused on executing the strategy set forth by the owner, managing employees, and ensuring that the company is meeting its goals and objectives.
- A controller oversees the accounting operations of the business and has a stake in the business, usually having the final say on every financial decision.
Disabled-Designed requirements
- Created, developed or produced by people with disabilities.
- Created means establishing the entire listing, from the initial concepts, to after launching the listing.
- Developed means utilizing the concept to create and launch the listing.
- Produced means the physical creation of the listing.
Disabled-Solution requirements
- Solves a problem for people with disabilities.
- A problem is a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome.
- A solution can be physical, such as a rollators, or emotional, such as an empowering polo.
Disability Helped
The disability(s) your listing helps is the Disability Helped.
Note: If the disability that your listing helps is not listed, contact us.
Requirements apply to all listings on Amplife®:
Disability Helped requirements
- Must help a disability.
- Helped means making it easier for somebody to do something by offering one's listing.
- Disability means the umbrella term for impairments, activity limitations and participation restrictions, where functioning and disability are a dynamic interaction between health conditions and contextual factors, both personal and environmental, and is not an attribute of the person. Disability results from the interaction between persons with impairments and attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others. World Report on Disability - World Health Organization. Link
- Functioning and disability are multi-dimensional concepts, relating to:
- the body functions and structures of people, and impairments thereof (functioning at the level of the body);
- the activities of people (functioning at the level of the individual) and the activity limitations they experience;
- the participation or involvement of people in all areas of life, and the participation restrictions they experience (functioning of a person as a member of society); and
- the environmental factors which affect these experiences (and whether these factors are facilitators or barriers).
- The ICF: An Overview - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Link
- Functioning and disability are multi-dimensional concepts, relating to:
- The Disability Helped, "All", means able to serve the entire disabled community, such as a communal event, or an empowering t-shirt that is not specific to one disability or certain disabilities. It will be placed in all other Disability Helped collections, such as "Amputation / Limb Difference" and "Neurological Disorder".
- Must select all of the disabilities that your listing helps.
- Must not select any disabilities that your listing does not help.
- Must not choose "All" if you are not confident that your listing can help all disabilities.
- If the Disability Helped selected is "All", more review will be required from us for the listing to be approved.
How your listing is organized from Classification to Department, Category, Subcategory, and Group is the Taxonomy.
Note: Taxonomy is being upgraded. When your Classification is chosen, it will display an input field for you to write out the Taxonomy from Department to Group in a specified format. Because there are no preset choices, write the Taxonomy generally associated with your listing and we will place them accordingly on Requirements still apply, such as you must choose the most relevant Taxonomy.
Requirements apply to all listings on Amplife®
Taxonomy requirements
- Must choose the most relevant Taxonomy for your listing.
- Classification means the first level of organization and if your listing is a Product Service or Event.
- Products are tangible goods, such as a wrist orthosis, or intangible goods, such as an app.
- Sold and delivered to the customer, physically or digitally.
- Usually one-off purchases.
- Can be returned.
- Services are actions performed by the vendor, such as a prosthetist fitting a person (the Service) to craft a well-fitting prosthesis (the end Product resulting from the Service).
- Sold and delivered as the good.
- Can be recurring.
- Can be canceled.
- Events are planned experiences, such as a concert.
- Sold as the good and delivered with a ticket (physical or digital) and the experience.
- Usually one-off purchases.
- Can return the ticket before the experience.
- Products are tangible goods, such as a wrist orthosis, or intangible goods, such as an app.
- Department means the second organization level, determined by your Classification, such as Medical & Mobility.
- Category means the third organizational level, determined by your Department, such as Mobility Devices.
- Subcategory means the fourth organizational level, determined by your Category, such as Manual Wheelchairs.
- Group means the fifth and final organizational level, determined by your Subcategory, such as Ultralight Manual Wheelchairs.
The precise details that make up your listing, such as dimensions and weight are the Specifications.
Note: Specifications are being upgraded and may not match the listing's Taxonomy or may display general Specifications. Requirements still apply, such as you must use the field correctly.
Requirements apply to all listings on Amplife®:
Specification requirements
- While the completion of Specifications is not required for the listing to be approved, if this information is missing or incorrect, customers will have a difficult time finding, comparing, and purchasing your listings. It’s also used in our search and filtering options to help customers find listings with specific details. By not adding Specifications, customers will be more inclined to purchase a competitor's listing with complete details that help them complete their purchase.
- Must add details as thoroughly and concisely as possible while including multiple systems, if applicable.
- Correct:
- Dimensions - Length: 35 in / 89 cm | Width: 13 in / 33 cm | Height: 12 in / 31 cm
- Material - Custom Extruded Shape Aluminum 6061-T6
- Maximum Speed Forward - 12 MPH / 19 KPH
- Incorrect:
- Dimensions - The length, width and height are 35 in x 13 in x 12 in
- Material - The material is aluminum
- Maximum Speed Forward - The max speed forward is 12 MPH
- Correct:
- Must add units of measurement as abbreviations.
- Must not add details for Specifications that are irrelevant to the listing. The detail fields for Specifications are determined from your listing's Taxonomy. If the wrong Specifications are displayed, change the listing's Taxonomy to the one that matches your listing.
- Must not use the field incorrectly, they should only be used for their defined purpose
- A dimensions field must not include information, such as material, other than dimensions.
Certifications & Warnings
The requirement to display certifications for claims, such as if you claim your listing is produced in factories that are OEKO-Tex Standard 100 Certified, or a warning mandated by California’s Proposition 65, are the Certifications & Warnings. These practices can result in suspension and/or termination of your Amplife® account. Requirements apply to all listings on Amplife®. All Certifications & Warnings must adhere to the Restricted Listings Policy:
Certifications & Warnings requirements (Restricted Listings Policy)
Restricted Listing Claims
When you make claims in listings, they must be accurate and you must be able to prove they are true. A claim can be misleading if relevant information is left out or if it suggests something that's not true. You must offer proof when you make claims, especially when they're about health, safety, or performance. You may also be required to provide proof that your listing matches the technical specifications and listing composition described on the listing detail page. You must provide Amplife® with documents to support any claim you include in a listing when asked. These should include scientific evidence such as the results of tests or other research carried out by experts in the proper field. If you cannot substantiate claims made in your listing detail page or listing packaging, we may remove your listings. Some examples of claims that need supporting proof include, but are not limited to, those that say a listing:
- Is anti-microbial
- Is anti-bacterial
- Can reduce the risk of concussions
- Is made of a particular material, such as bamboo and leather
- Meets a certain purity standard, such as claims an item is 100% all-natural or has organic ingredients
- Meets a certain quality standard, such as the ISO 13485
- Meets a certain technical specification, such as the stated battery capacity of a power wheelchair's battery
Product marketing is regulated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
Environmental claims must follow FTC marketing guidelines. These include the FTC Green Guides, which show how to avoid claims that mislead or deceive consumers. The FTC identifies terms like "environmentally-friendly" "eco-friendly", and "green" as potentially problematic.
For more information, check out:
Restricted Guarantees
Listings must comply with the Guides for the Advertising of Warranties and Guarantees. If you use phrases like "satisfaction guaranteed" or "money-back guarantee" on Amplife®, you must be ready to give full refunds for any reason. For more information, check out the FTC’s A Businessperson's Guide to Federal Warranty Law, Consumer Product Warranties and Advertising, and Marketing on the Internet: Rules of the Road.
Required Disclosures
You are required to display the applicable disclosure or statement if your listing applies to the following:
- California Air Resources Board
- Listings for products that are subject to California air pollution regulations, such as engines, aftermarket auto parts, and consumer products, must include the applicable Executive Order number or certification permitting sale into California. For more information, check out the California Air Resources Board.
- California Prop 65
- Listings must comply with California's Proposition 65, which requires notice to California customers of products that contain chemicals on California's list of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity. Listings for products containing chemicals on California's list must contain the applicable notice. For more information, check out the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment Proposition 65.
- Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA)
- Listings of certain toys or games that contain small parts and are intended for use by children must include a CPSIA-specified statement regarding choking hazards. For more information, check out the CPSIA Labeling Rule.
- Textile Product Descriptions
- Listings for textile products (for example, bedding and clothing) must comply with the Textile Products Identification Act (the "Textile Act"), which requires the following disclosures, among others:
- Whether the product was
- (i) Made in the U.S.A;
- (ii) Imported;
- (iii) Made in the U.S.A and Imported; or
- (iv) Made in the U.S.A or Imported.
- Use “Made in U.S.A. and Imported” to indicate manufacture in the U.S. from imported materials, or part processing in the U.S. and part in a foreign country.
- Use “Made in U.S.A. or Imported” to reflect that some units of an item originate from a domestic source and others from a foreign source.
- Use “Made in U.S.A.” only if all units were made completely in the U.S. of materials also made in the U.S.
- The information regarding the country of origin should match the product's label.
- The generic names and percentages by weight of the fibers present in the product in an amount of 5 percent or more in order of predominance using generic fiber names recognized by the Federal Trade Commission. The use of non-generic fiber names, unless specifically recognized by the Federal Trade Commission, is not permitted.
- The fiber content should match the product's label.
- Whether the product was
For more information, check out Threading Your Way Through the Labeling Requirements Under the Textile and Wool Act, the Textile Act, the FTC guidelines and the Textile Act Regulations.
- Listings for textile products (for example, bedding and clothing) must comply with the Textile Products Identification Act (the "Textile Act"), which requires the following disclosures, among others:
- Upholstered Furniture, Bedding and Mattress Labeling
- In addition to federal disclosure requirements, listings of upholstered furniture, bedding, and mattresses must comply with state laws governing the content labeling of such listings. These labeling laws vary by state, and may specify requirements for (among other things):
- Minimum label and font size
- Proper description of filler materials, including the percent by weight of each, listed in order of predominance
Additional information, such as a Uniform Registry Number (URN) or sterilization permit number
- In addition to federal disclosure requirements, listings of upholstered furniture, bedding, and mattresses must comply with state laws governing the content labeling of such listings. These labeling laws vary by state, and may specify requirements for (among other things):
Required Information
You are required to submit the following information relevant to the listing's requirement to display Certifications & Warnings:
- Images of all sides of your listing's packaging with the proper, warning labels, relevant safety information, compliance markings, and hazard warnings.
- Test reports from a relevant laboratory showing the listing complies with the regulations, standards and requirements of the law and Amplife®.
- Certificates for the applicable restriction for your listings.
Shipping & Returns
The method of how a listing is delivered and the applicable return policy is the Shipping & Returns. All listings where the transaction completes on (Standard Listings) are subject to the Amplife® Refund Policy. If you would like to include an extended return window in addition to the Amplife® Return Policy or a warranty, you can add it through the Vendor Portal. If you would like to use your refund policy which has a shorter return window than ours, you can have that listing's transaction completed off (Showcase Listing) to fulfill the order through your chosen sales channel.
All Standard Listings must choose their shipping method, if it can be delivered, and a return policy that adheres to the Sell with Amplife® Service Terms:
Shipping & Returns requirements (Sell with Amplife® Service Terms)
- For Standard Listings, you will:
(a) source, offer, sell, and fulfill Your Listings in accordance with the terms of the applicable Order Information, the Agreement, and all terms provided by you or us and displayed on the applicable Amplife® Site at the time of the order and be solely responsible for and bear all risk for those activities;
(b) package each of Your Listings in a commercially reasonable manner complying with all applicable packaging and labeling requirements, including any warnings or instructions necessary to safely use Your Listings, and ship each of Your Listings in accordance with the shipping purchased by the customer;
(c) only cancel Your Transactions as permitted pursuant to your terms and conditions appearing on the applicable Amplife® Site at the time of the applicable order or as may be required under the Agreement;
(d) provide to Amplife® information regarding fulfillment and order status and tracking (to the extent available), in each case as requested by us using the processes designated by us;
(e) comply with all Street Date instructions;
(f) include an order-specific packing slip, and, if applicable, any tax invoices, within each shipment of Your Listings;
(g) identify yourself as the Vendor of each of Your Listings on all packing slips or other information included or provided in connection with Your Listings and as the Vendor to which a customer may return the applicable Listing; and
(h) not send customers emails confirming orders or fulfillment of Your Listings.
For Showcase Listings, you will fulfill your Listings in accordance with the terms of the Your Sales Channels.
Cancellations, Returns, and Refunds
The Amplife® Refund Policies for an Amplife® Site will apply to Standard Listings. You will promptly accept, calculate, and process cancellations, returns, refunds, and adjustments in accordance with the Agreement and the Amplife® Refund Policies for the applicable Amplife® Site, using the functionality we enable for your account. Without limiting your obligations, we may in our sole discretion accept, calculate, and process cancellations, returns, refunds, and adjustments for the benefit of customers.
For Showcase Listings, you will accept returns in accordance with the terms of the Your Sales Channels.
Guideline Violations
Failure to comply with these Listing Guidelines will result in the rejection of the listing and that listing being undiscoverable by customers until all are met, or, in serious or repeated cases, the suspension and/or termination of your Amplife® account.