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Sign upUpdated 24 days ago

Creating your Amplife® Vendor Account takes only a few minutes. Just complete the application by answering the following fields:

  • Official representative first name
  • Official representative last name
  • Title
  • Legal business name
  • Business address
  • Website (optional)
  • Types of listings (Disabled-Owned / Disabled-Designed / Disabled-Solution)

  • Do your listings require a prescription to be sold?
  • Write anything else you'd like us to know (optional)
  • Email
    • A verification code is sent to this email that you will enter to confirm your email.
  • Password
  • Vendor name
    • This is the name you will be listed as. It does not need to match the legal business name.

After applying

Once you submit your application, Amplife® will notify you if you have been approved or denied:

  • If denied, we will send you an email explaining why you were not approved as an Amplife® Vendor, and any available remedies to become approved.
  • If approved, we will send you an email notifying you of your acceptance as an Amplife® Vendor.

Approval email

This email contains the following information:

Go live

These are the requirements for your approved listings to go live on

  • W-9 / tax information must be completed and submitted to Amplife®
  • Payment information to get paid out (Standard / Enterprise Standard only)
  • An active subscription (Showcase / Enterprise Showcase only)

Create listings

After setting up your Amplife® Vendor Account, create your badass listings

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