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Manage listingsUpdated 2 months ago

The Listings page in your Vendor Portal provides a customizable overview of all your Standard Listings and Showcase Listings.

The Listings page contains:

  • Add listing
  • Number of Pending Listings in a red circle next to the tab of the Listings page
  • Search bar to find a listing by its Title or Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)
  • Filtering by stock status (Any stock, In stock, Out of stock)
  • Filtering by Listing Type, Disability Helped and Specifications
  • Sort by Title (A to Z), Title (Z to A), Price (low to high), Price (high to low), Stock (low to high), Stock (high to low), Creation date (newest first), and Creation date (oldest first).
  • Export listings to CSV
  • List and number of all Live Listings
  • List and number of all Pending Listings
  • Title and Media
  • SKU
  • Price
  • Stock
  • Status (Live, Out of stock)
  • Checkbox to Unapprove Live Listings
  • Pagination of listings that are Live or Pending after more than 30 listings.

Create listings

The Listings page in the Vendor Portal is where you create listings to be submitted and approved by clicking Add listing.

For your listing to be approved and discovered by customers, it must adhere to our Listing Guidelines.

The Add listing page is where you enter the required listing details that provide key information to the customer, known as Content:

Learn more about creating listings.

Learn more about adding listings.

Listing details

After a listing is submitted, open the listing from the Listings page to access the complete details of a listing.

Although you can change your listing details at any time, each change after being approved will require reapproval of the listing.

Learn more about editing a listing.

Share a search result

The search information is encoded in the URL. To share your results with your team, you can simply share the full URL.

You can also bookmark the view in your browser for quick access.

Export listings to CSV

You can export listing results to CSV from the Listings page in the Vendor Portal. 

  1. From your Vendor Portal, go to Orders.
  2. Click Export results to CSV

The order results CSV file is downloaded to your computer.

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